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It’s always been easier for me to see the good in others. I love the process of discovering it, looking deeper and watching things grow.


I truly value the role of being a brand catalyst and ambassador because it’s tied to my personal mission:to magnify the good. And I believe so many people in the world need it (more good) today. 


For me, it starts with questions, the story, the people, the mission and the commitment to excellence. I’ve also found the higher the why, usually the better the “goods”. 


If it’s something I could recommend to my mom, my wife, my kids, my clients and I would use in my own life, I don’t believe it’s selling, it’s responsible sharing.


I truly want to shine a light on people, products and programs that start with a solid intention, are created and made with integrity, pursue better and value serving their customers as much as any other key metrics of success. 


People over profits usually profits lots of people.


If you have a product, service, or brand that YOU believe is really good, I’d love to learn more about it and at the very least, help drive awareness!


"David has provided invaluable insight and guidance to numerous projects I have worked on in the fitness industry. He is able to recognize and communicate key brand attributes in a way that inspires others to pay attention. Whether on camera, on stage, or in a board room, David has an unmatched gift as a presenter elevating brands and programs. He always sees the big picture and is able to find the best path for a company to experience success."

- Jeremy Shore Director of Education and Sales - Dynamax USA


If you'd like to work with me, want to connect, or have any questions, feel free to contact me through the link below.

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